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As a kid, all I knew about buying meat products was that you go to the grocery store, pick out the brightest and freshest packages, and bring them home. It was never a question of where the meat came from, how it got to the grocery store, or what had to happen in order to get the meat from the barn to my dinner plate. 

Five years of working for a local state inspected custom processing facility with a mobile slaughter unit opened my eyes to the many options that consumers have when sourcing their protein. When a consumer can walk out to the pasture and select the exact animal that they want to purchase, when they are intimately involved with what products they want cut from that animal, and when they can see with their own eyes where their money is going, it creates a bond between producer, processor, and consumer that is unmatched with the conventional food supply.


After experiencing bits and pieces of all the different sides of the overall meat industry, I can understand the unmet needs of farmers and have vowed to do everything I can to make their life easier. I have dedicated the past several years to educating the public about the benefits of buying from local farmers, and as such have come up with the brainchild: Township Meats; Connecting farmers to local consumers.


Mission: I aim to create an operation that will educate consumers, empower producers, and move product within local circles, strengthening the community and opening the discussion of what farm to table is all about.


Values: I believe in fair and fulfilling living conditions for farmers, animals, and consumers alike. I strive for excellence in everything I do, and maintain that every living creature deserves to be treated with respect, understanding, and appreciation. I find it crucial that our valuable livestock be treated humanely throughout production and processing. I demand excellence in the products I return to the consumer, and denounce greed, laziness, and deceit.

Vision: It is my passion to educate consumers about their protein choices and options in order to strengthen the community and local agriculture community. As Township Meats, LLC grows and develops, my goal is to obtain my custom livestock processing establishment license and provide the much needed service to the greater Janesville area. 


-Lily Cooper


Township Meats

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